Stitched, cut apart, pressed, ready to sew again :)
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Step 2 Cutting
Stitching done, following the directional lines on the paper. Cutting horizontal, then vertical lines. Next, carefully realign the pieces to cut the diagonals...
Now I have a pile of blocks ready to press, after I "snap" the paper template off.
Step 1
Fat quarters cut into 8" wide strips, ditto Kona white. Layered right sides together with Triangles on a roll (3" finished block size) on top. Now off to the sewing machine.
New Project
No grass grows under these feet, starting a new project while impatiently waiting for the March Gypsy QAL post, lol!
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Cheater quilt
The dilemna: I needed (wanted) a different comforter for my king size bed. I trolled Pinterest, found a post by Macy's featuring a quilt with a large pieced panel in the center, the width of the quilt.
Cheater solution: I bought a king size quilt from Stein Mart ($29 !!). Bought $$ quilt fabric which I cut into 2-1/2" strips. Which brings me to the current step in the process - laying out the strips and sewing them together.
Stay tuned for progress reports :)
Table runner using the Quick Curve ruler and the included pattern. I added chains to accomodate my loooong table :)
Friday, February 12, 2016
Section 1 complete
Finished the first section :) Five blocks, assorted strips, lots of color and pattern - off to a good start!
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
More Fabric :)
A trip to Etc. yielded this batch of fun fabrics for the Gypsy Wife quilt. The fabrics are washed, starched, ironed and ready to cut. Woot woot!
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Gypsy Wife Journey
Pulled this pitifully small collection of fabrics from my stash. It is woefully inadequate - I have no small volumn prints and few light values. Clearly a trip to the fabric store is in order ;)
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Creative challenge - primary colors
This three panel painting (triptych in art speak) was a personal challenge in color mixing. Using ONLY the basic cyan (blue), magenta, cadmium yellow "primaries" I painted this for my AZ home. White was used to create tints for value/contrast.
Thousands of Stitches journey
After repeatedly pinning photos of the Gypsy Wife quilt, I caved, bought the pattern, and have started the journey :) A local Mesa, AZ, quilt shop Etc. pointed me in the direction of a Valley quilter's "quilt along" at So with bags packed, so to speak, the journey begins!!